Taste and Demonstration of Dharma Shamanic System 

+ free energetic healing by students

... Dharma Shamanic System in action: José Antonio Manchado will introduce you to and demonstrate this powerful energetic system

... join the experience of receiving energetic healing from Mundo Armonia students and an opportunity to practice if you're a student

... on Friday April 12th 2024, 19.00-22.00h in Amsterdam

Yes, I'll be joining!

Would you like to meet José Antonio Manchado and Mundo Armonia?

Would you like to experience Dharma Shamanic System in action?

Would you like to receive a free healing?

Would you like to practice energetic healing?

Do you have a question about any of the energetic healing practices you've learned?


Did you answer YES at least once?

And will or can you be in Amsterdam on Friday April 12th?

Then join us for this special event full of energetic healing!


This evening is open to everyone.

Mundo Armonia students will give energetic healings for free.

This is a donation based event, so we appreciate your contribution

Are you curious about how Dharma Shamanic System works?

In this short video you see a real life example (with English subtitles).

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What students love about practicing Dharma Shamanic System...?

Watch this short video  where they share their personal experience of learning this powerful energetic healing system.

Let this event be a reminder to live from the heart, in freedom. 

Who is José Antonio Manchado?

What has he done? And who has taught him what he's teaching? 


José Antonio Manchado...  

... is author of the books: Be Happier than the Dalai Lama and Are you Ill? Congratulations! Discover the opportunity in illness”. He is Master of Rigpa Energetic Healing, of Dharma Shamanic System, of Reiki Usui, and of ancient and modern Tibetan singing Bowls therapy and Gong therapy. 


... loves sharing what he has been learning for over more than 20 years from various teachers: Tibetan Buddhists, Zen Monks, Lamas and Aboriginals. These include teachers from around the world like Akong Rinpoche, Lama Sangye, Sogyal Rinpoche, Kalu Tseng (Tibet), Karma Dorje Senge (Nepal), Gong master Adrey Lee (China), Jorge Diaz (Spain), and Bruce Manaka (USA). 


... has been helping thousands of people with his workshops, courses and retreats for meditation and mental calmness since 2004. In all his events he shares the practices that have helped him to live happy and free

practical details*


What will you get?

» A demonstration of Dharma Shamanic System by José Antonio Manchado

» A free energetic healing by students of Mundo Armonia (if you wish)

» An opportunity to ask questions about Mundo Armonia 

» An opportunity to ask questions about any of the energetic healing practices you've learned with Mundo Armonia

When is it?

» This event will be on Friday April 12th from 19.00h till 22.00h

  • 18.45h - Doors will open
  • 19.00h - Dharma Shamanic System demonstration by José Antonio followed by free energetic healing by Mundo Armonia students  
  • 22.00h - You can stay till the end at 22h, leaving earlier is also possible 


Where is it?

» The event will take place in ''t Zonnehuis', Zonneplein 30 Amsterdam. ’t Zonnehuis is close to the NDSM Werf, easily accessible by ferry from Amsterdam Central Station (seven minutes by bike), public transport, and car (free parking).

How much is the exchange? 

» This is a donation based event, so we appreciate your contribution

» Students are giving energetic healings for free.  

Where do I sign-up?

» Click here to sign-up and you'll receive a confirmation email with further practical details. 


In which language is it?

» José will be presenting in English. If you're more comfortable speaking Dutch for the healing part, that's totally fine.


Can anyone attend? 

» Yes, this donation based event is open to everyone.

» No previous experience is necessary.

» A curious attitude and an open mind will help you to get as much as possible out of the experience.

» We do reserve the right of admission in order to facilitate a smooth and conscious event without unnecessary interruptions.


* Scroll down for answers to any further questions you may have.

Feel free to share this invitation and bring people who’re interested in joining!

Do you have any questions before you want to join? 

Find the answers to frequently asked questions here.


Didn't find the answer you were looking for?


Or do you have another question about this event?

Just email us at [email protected] and we'll get back to you.

Don't believe anything we say, 

just experience it for yourself!


Are you ready?

Ready to take the next step on your journey?

Ready and open to have a new experience?  


Yes, I'd love to join