Learn to practice Rigpa Energetic Healing 


... join this in-person seminar and start using ancient energetic healing in all aspects of your life



... with José Antonio Manchado


Rigpa Energetic Healing is based on healing practices developed by Buddhist Monks based on the Medicine Buddha teachings.

These tools interact directly with the vibrations of the Being and also work with the Earth energy.

This energetic system allows someone's vibrational frequency to increase on the physical, mental, and energetic level.

Each cell and organ of our body vibrates at a certain frequency. When an organ is healthy, the vibratory frequency is in harmony with the rest of the body.

If this frequency changes, the harmony is broken and we experience discomfort, pain and disease.

Rigpa Energetic Healing allows to bring the frequencies back to harmony. The natural state of well-being

At the same time enhances the benefits of other natural healing practices.

Wouldn't it be great if...

… you would learn new energetic practices?

… you would be able to strengthen the channeling of healing energy?

... you could let LIFE flow?

… you would be sharing energy with confidence

… you could return to the natural frequency of your being?

… you could not only help yourself, but others too with the powerful energetic healing practices from Rigpa Energetic Healing?

Then this one's for you!

In this one day live seminar you'll learn how to use ancient energetic tools in such a way that you can easily integrate them in your daily life. 

Explore the origins


Delve into the origins of the teachings José shares and witness firsthand the profound wisdom passed by ancient Tibetan non-dualistic Buddhist Masters.

This seminar offers a unique glimpse into the foundation that has shaped José's path and provides an opportunity for you to learn and practice these teachings yourself.

Don't miss this chance to connect with the essence of the teachings and continue or embark on this profound healing journey.

You'll receive an initiation in the path of Rigpa Energetic Healing.

From then on you can channel the Universal Vibration of Life.


Heal yourself


You’ll learn to apply these energetic teachings effortlessly to yourself.

They are practical and easy to integrate in your daily life.

Heal others


You’ll learn how to project the practices from Rigpa Energetic Healing to other people and living beings, like animals and plants.

Whether you want to help people close to you or as a therapist.

Heal over distance


You’ll learn how to practice a transforming and effective way of healing over distance.

This means it doesn't matter where you or the person who receives the healing are.

Did you know that...


... Tibetan monks have been using this ancient powerful energetic healing system since thousands of years and they only passed it on and taught it amongst themselves?

... It remained sealed and secret until about 30 years ago when they started to share it with the world?

... Now you have the opportunity to learn it too?

Explore new dimensions and synergies


Have you already learned other healing modalities with Mundo Armonia?

You can combine Rigpa Energetic Healing with all other modalities and teachings offered by us.

This integration enriches your healing toolkit, providing a diverse array of practices to support well-being.

This way you can explore the synergy between Rigpa Energetic Healing and other modalities, unlocking new dimensions of profound healing.

Who is José Antonio Manchado? 


What has he done? Who has taught him what he's sharing?

Here are some facts and background information.


José Antonio Manchado...

... is author of the books: Be Happier than the Dalai Lama and Are you Ill? Congratulations! Discover the opportunity in illness”. He is Master of Rigpa Energetic Healing, of Dharma Shamanic System, of Reiki Usui, and of ancient and modern Tibetan singing Bowls therapy and Gong therapy. 

... loves sharing what he has been learning for over more than 20 years from various teachers: Tibetan Buddhists, Zen Monks, Lamas and Aboriginals. These include teachers from around the world like Akong Rinpoche, Lama Sangye, Sogyal Rinpoche, Kalu Tseng (Tibet), Karma Dorje Senge (Nepal), Gong Master Adrey Lee (China), Jorge Diaz (Spain), and Bruce Manaka (USA). 

... has been giving workshops, courses and meditation and mental calmness retreats since 2004. In all his events he shares the practices that have helped him to live happy and free

A lower vibrational frequency, like disease, negativity and illnesses, can't coexist in a higher frequency, that of well-being, happiness, and love.


How about learning to raise the vibration?

practical details


What will you get?

» Over 7 hours of teachings in Rigpa Energetic Healing from José Antonio Manchado

» An energetic alignment to be able to practice these powerful tools

» Time to practice all of the tools

» A Rigpa Energetic Healing level I hard copy certificate 


When is it?

» The next date for this event is yet to be announced. Sign up here for our newsletter to be the first to know when registration opens. 


How much is the exchange? 

» The exchange for the Rigpa Energetic Healing I seminar is 200 euro


Can anyone attend? 

» Is your English up to speed and can you understand a full seminar day? Do you speak it too so you can communicate with your fellow students when practicing?

» José will give his 100% and more. So, are you 100% committed? Yes? Then you’ll get as much as possible out of the teachings.

» You don’t have to have any previous experience.

» We reserve the right of admission in order to facilitate a smooth and conscious event without unnecessary interruptions.

Do you have any questions before you want to sign-up? 

Find the answers to frequently asked questions here.


Didn't find the answer you were looking for?


Or do you have another question about this event?

Just email us at [email protected] and we'll get back to you.

Don't believe anything we say,

just experience it for yourself!


Are you ready?

Ready to allow yourself to be blown away?

Ready and open to have a new experience?